Dec 25, 2010

CCNA Curriculum Step-By-Step

CCNA Curriculum Step-By-Step


1. You need to look at the curriculum and fill in the dates you plan on studying. The reason for this is to get a complete understanding of your timeline and the date you will take the test. DO NOT DEVIATE FROM THIS TIMELINE.

2. It is best to try to find a study partner(s). This will allow you to test each other and bounce ideas off of each other week to week.

3. Although the curriculum involves meeting 2 times a week, these meetings are to discuss the information you have learned during your personal study time. Try to set standard days and times you will be able to study on your own.

Process for Completion:

1. Always watch the CBT Nuggets CCNA video first. This will provide you with a high level understanding of the material that will be covered each week. Print the chapter notes PDF file that includes all of the information written and displayed in the video. This will help you follow along in the video and provide reference material later in your studies.

2. Read the required chapter in the Sybex CCNA book. The book will provide a deeper understanding of the material presented.

3. Complete the Review Questions and Written Labs (if applicable).

4. Use the flash cards at the end of each chapter to quiz yourself and ensure you have a complete understanding of the material. The flash cards are included in each chapter. Print them double-sided and cut them so you can take them with you.

5. Beginning in Chapter 3 you have additional exercises to complete that will help sharpen your skills on topics such as subnetting and VLSM. Complete these exercises before continuing to the next chapter.

6. When you begin the IOS portion of the training, you will use the GNS3 and RouterSim Applications to help you understand how to configure routers and switches. DO NOT take this lightly. Concentrate on each of the practice exercises in the book. Also, try to step outside of the box and create your own network. Repetition breeds memorization, so configure as many routers and switches as time allows. My understanding is that most exams have 2 interactive lab questions (either routing or switching). My exam had 1 switching exam but was in depth.
***You can get almost every answer correct on the exam except for the Lab and still fail the test. LABS ARE VITAL TO YOUR SUCCESS!!

7. When you reach chapter 6 start using your CertSim. Do not expect to pass the test at this time because you have only seen half of the information for the exam. Taking the simulated exam will provide you with your general knowledge level and let you know what you need to brush up on as well as begin to get you used to a timed test. Continue to take these practice exams no less that once every 2 weeks until completion of the curriculum.

8. Once you have become familiar with configuring routers and switches it is now time to learn to troubleshoot. This is why it is good to have a study partner on the same level. Begin by creating a network in the RouterSim and saving the file. Email the file to your study partner and advise them to open it and misconfigure the network (i.e. change IP Addresses, turn off interfaces, change clock rates, etc.). Have your partner email the broken network to you and the reconfigure and correct the network. This will allow you to not only build a network but troubleshoot in a somewhat real world environment.

9. When you have completed all of the chapters it is now time to use the Flip Book. This book provides you will all of the acronyms, terminologies and commands you can reference while preparing for the exam.

10. The week before the exam I would suggest that you plan a weekend study session / cookout. Study 12 – 16 hours a day of nothing but reviewing the flash cards, creating networks in the RouterSim and testing in the CertSim.

11. Finally, you need to commit to the test based on the date you set in the beginning of the curriculum. You can do this as early as 60 days before the exam. I suggest you complete this ASAP. It will help push you complete the curriculum. You can email to setup the exam Provide the testing center, exam number, date and time you need. I would suggest that you take the test on a day you have off. Try to take the test in the afternoon and plan a quick refresher session with your partner before the test over lunch to help you relax.

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